namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SqlitePlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform;
use Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\OnClassMetadataNotFoundEventArgs;
use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
use Doctrine\ORM\Exception\ORMException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Id\BigIntegerIdentityGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Id\SequenceGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Id\UuidGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Exception\CannotGenerateIds;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Exception\InvalidCustomGenerator;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Exception\UnknownGeneratorType;
use Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\DefaultProxyClassNameResolver;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata as ClassMetadataInterface;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ReflectionService;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use function assert;
use function class_exists;
use function count;
use function end;
use function explode;
use function get_class;
use function in_array;
use function is_a;
use function is_subclass_of;
use function str_contains;
use function strlen;
use function strtolower;
use function substr;
* The ClassMetadataFactory is used to create ClassMetadata objects that contain all the
* metadata mapping information of a class which describes how a class should be mapped
* to a relational database.
* @extends AbstractClassMetadataFactory<ClassMetadata>
* @phpstan-import-type AssociationMapping from ClassMetadata
* @phpstan-import-type EmbeddedClassMapping from ClassMetadata
* @phpstan-import-type FieldMapping from ClassMetadata
class ClassMetadataFactory extends AbstractClassMetadataFactory
/** @var EntityManagerInterface|null */
private $em;
/** @var AbstractPlatform|null */
private $targetPlatform;
/** @var MappingDriver */
private $driver;
/** @var EventManager */
private $evm;
/** @var mixed[] */
private $embeddablesActiveNesting = [];
'Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform' => ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE,
Platforms\OraclePlatform::class => ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE,
Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform::class => ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE,
/** @return void */
public function setEntityManager(EntityManagerInterface $em)
parent::setProxyClassNameResolver(new DefaultProxyClassNameResolver());
$this->em = $em;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function initialize()
$this->driver = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl();
$this->evm = $this->em->getEventManager();
$this->initialized = true;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function onNotFoundMetadata($className)
if (! $this->evm->hasListeners(Events::onClassMetadataNotFound)) {
return null;
$eventArgs = new OnClassMetadataNotFoundEventArgs($className, $this->em);
$this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::onClassMetadataNotFound, $eventArgs);
$classMetadata = $eventArgs->getFoundMetadata();
assert($classMetadata instanceof ClassMetadata || $classMetadata === null);
return $classMetadata;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function doLoadMetadata($class, $parent, $rootEntityFound, array $nonSuperclassParents)
if ($parent) {
$this->addInheritedFields($class, $parent);
$this->addInheritedRelations($class, $parent);
$this->addInheritedEmbeddedClasses($class, $parent);
if (! empty($parent->customGeneratorDefinition)) {
if ($parent->isMappedSuperclass) {
// Invoke driver
try {
$this->driver->loadMetadataForClass($class->getName(), $class);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
throw MappingException::reflectionFailure($class->getName(), $e);
// If this class has a parent the id generator strategy is inherited.
// However this is only true if the hierarchy of parents contains the root entity,
// if it consists of mapped superclasses these don't necessarily include the id field.
if ($parent && $rootEntityFound) {
$this->inheritIdGeneratorMapping($class, $parent);
} else {
if (! $class->isMappedSuperclass) {
if ($rootEntityFound && $class->isInheritanceTypeNone()) {
"Entity class '%s' is a subclass of the root entity class '%s', but no inheritance mapping type was declared. This is a misconfiguration and will be an error in Doctrine ORM 3.0.",
foreach ($class->embeddedClasses as $property => $embeddableClass) {
if (isset($embeddableClass['inherited'])) {
if (isset($this->embeddablesActiveNesting[$embeddableClass['class']])) {
throw MappingException::infiniteEmbeddableNesting($class->name, $property);
$this->embeddablesActiveNesting[$class->name] = true;
$embeddableMetadata = $this->getMetadataFor($embeddableClass['class']);
if ($embeddableMetadata->isEmbeddedClass) {
$this->addNestedEmbeddedClasses($embeddableMetadata, $class, $property);
$identifier = $embeddableMetadata->getIdentifier();
if (! empty($identifier)) {
$this->inheritIdGeneratorMapping($class, $embeddableMetadata);
$class->inlineEmbeddable($property, $embeddableMetadata);
if ($parent) {
if ($parent->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()) {
$this->addInheritedIndexes($class, $parent);
if ($parent->cache) {
$class->cache = $parent->cache;
if ($parent->containsForeignIdentifier) {
$class->containsForeignIdentifier = true;
if ($parent->containsEnumIdentifier) {
$class->containsEnumIdentifier = true;
if (! empty($parent->namedQueries)) {
$this->addInheritedNamedQueries($class, $parent);
if (! empty($parent->namedNativeQueries)) {
$this->addInheritedNamedNativeQueries($class, $parent);
if (! empty($parent->sqlResultSetMappings)) {
$this->addInheritedSqlResultSetMappings($class, $parent);
if (! empty($parent->entityListeners) && empty($class->entityListeners)) {
$class->entityListeners = $parent->entityListeners;
if ($class->isRootEntity() && ! $class->isInheritanceTypeNone() && ! $class->discriminatorMap) {
// During the following event, there may also be updates to the discriminator map as per GH-1257/GH-8402.
// So, we must not discover the missing subclasses before that.
if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::loadClassMetadata)) {
$eventArgs = new LoadClassMetadataEventArgs($class, $this->em);
$this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::loadClassMetadata, $eventArgs);
if ($class->changeTrackingPolicy === ClassMetadata::CHANGETRACKING_NOTIFY) {
'NOTIFY Change Tracking policy used in "%s" is deprecated, use deferred explicit instead.',
$this->validateRuntimeMetadata($class, $parent);
* Validate runtime metadata is correctly defined.
* @param ClassMetadata $class
* @param ClassMetadataInterface|null $parent
* @return void
* @throws MappingException
protected function validateRuntimeMetadata($class, $parent)
if (! $class->reflClass) {
// only validate if there is a reflection class instance
// verify inheritance
if (! $class->isMappedSuperclass && ! $class->isInheritanceTypeNone()) {
if (! $parent) {
if (count($class->discriminatorMap) === 0) {
throw MappingException::missingDiscriminatorMap($class->name);
if (! $class->discriminatorColumn) {
throw MappingException::missingDiscriminatorColumn($class->name);
foreach ($class->subClasses as $subClass) {
if ((new ReflectionClass($subClass))->name !== $subClass) {
throw MappingException::invalidClassInDiscriminatorMap($subClass, $class->name);
} else {
assert($parent instanceof ClassMetadataInfo); // https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/8746
if (
! $class->reflClass->isAbstract()
&& ! in_array($class->name, $class->discriminatorMap, true)
) {
throw MappingException::mappedClassNotPartOfDiscriminatorMap($class->name, $class->rootEntityName);
} elseif ($class->isMappedSuperclass && $class->name === $class->rootEntityName && (count($class->discriminatorMap) || $class->discriminatorColumn)) {
// second condition is necessary for mapped superclasses in the middle of an inheritance hierarchy
throw MappingException::noInheritanceOnMappedSuperClass($class->name);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function newClassMetadataInstance($className)
return new ClassMetadata(
* Adds a default discriminator map if no one is given
* If an entity is of any inheritance type and does not contain a
* discriminator map, then the map is generated automatically. This process
* is expensive computation wise.
* The automatically generated discriminator map contains the lowercase short name of
* each class as key.
* @throws MappingException
private function addDefaultDiscriminatorMap(ClassMetadata $class): void
$allClasses = $this->driver->getAllClassNames();
$fqcn = $class->getName();
$map = [$this->getShortName($class->name) => $fqcn];
$duplicates = [];
foreach ($allClasses as $subClassCandidate) {
if (is_subclass_of($subClassCandidate, $fqcn)) {
$shortName = $this->getShortName($subClassCandidate);
if (isset($map[$shortName])) {
$duplicates[] = $shortName;
$map[$shortName] = $subClassCandidate;
if ($duplicates) {
throw MappingException::duplicateDiscriminatorEntry($class->name, $duplicates, $map);
private function findAbstractEntityClassesNotListedInDiscriminatorMap(ClassMetadata $rootEntityClass): void
// Only root classes in inheritance hierarchies need contain a discriminator map,
// so skip for other classes.
if (! $rootEntityClass->isRootEntity() || $rootEntityClass->isInheritanceTypeNone()) {
$processedClasses = [$rootEntityClass->name => true];
foreach ($rootEntityClass->subClasses as $knownSubClass) {
$processedClasses[$knownSubClass] = true;
foreach ($rootEntityClass->discriminatorMap as $declaredClassName) {
// This fetches non-transient parent classes only
$parentClasses = $this->getParentClasses($declaredClassName);
foreach ($parentClasses as $parentClass) {
if (isset($processedClasses[$parentClass])) {
$processedClasses[$parentClass] = true;
// All non-abstract entity classes must be listed in the discriminator map, and
// this will be validated/enforced at runtime (possibly at a later time, when the
// subclass is loaded, but anyways). Also, subclasses is about entity classes only.
// That means we can ignore non-abstract classes here. The (expensive) driver
// check for mapped superclasses need only be run for abstract candidate classes.
if (! (new ReflectionClass($parentClass))->isAbstract() || $this->peekIfIsMappedSuperclass($parentClass)) {
// We have found a non-transient, non-mapped-superclass = an entity class (possibly abstract, but that does not matter)
/** @param class-string $className */
private function peekIfIsMappedSuperclass(string $className): bool
$reflService = $this->getReflectionService();
$class = $this->newClassMetadataInstance($className);
$this->initializeReflection($class, $reflService);
$this->driver->loadMetadataForClass($className, $class);
return $class->isMappedSuperclass;
* Gets the lower-case short name of a class.
* @param class-string $className
private function getShortName(string $className): string
if (! str_contains($className, '\\')) {
return strtolower($className);
$parts = explode('\\', $className);
return strtolower(end($parts));
* Puts the `inherited` and `declared` values into mapping information for fields, associations
* and embedded classes.
* @param AssociationMapping|EmbeddedClassMapping|FieldMapping $mapping
private function addMappingInheritanceInformation(array &$mapping, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
if (! isset($mapping['inherited']) && ! $parentClass->isMappedSuperclass) {
$mapping['inherited'] = $parentClass->name;
if (! isset($mapping['declared'])) {
$mapping['declared'] = $parentClass->name;
* Adds inherited fields to the subclass mapping.
private function addInheritedFields(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->fieldMappings as $mapping) {
$this->addMappingInheritanceInformation($mapping, $parentClass);
foreach ($parentClass->reflFields as $name => $field) {
$subClass->reflFields[$name] = $field;
* Adds inherited association mappings to the subclass mapping.
* @throws MappingException
private function addInheritedRelations(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->associationMappings as $field => $mapping) {
$this->addMappingInheritanceInformation($mapping, $parentClass);
// When the class inheriting the relation ($subClass) is the first entity class since the
// relation has been defined in a mapped superclass (or in a chain
// of mapped superclasses) above, then declare this current entity class as the source of
// the relationship.
// According to the definitions given in https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/10396/,
// this is the case <=> ! isset($mapping['inherited']).
if (! isset($mapping['inherited'])) {
$mapping['sourceEntity'] = $subClass->name;
private function addInheritedEmbeddedClasses(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->embeddedClasses as $field => $embeddedClass) {
$this->addMappingInheritanceInformation($embeddedClass, $parentClass);
$subClass->embeddedClasses[$field] = $embeddedClass;
* Adds nested embedded classes metadata to a parent class.
* @param ClassMetadata $subClass Sub embedded class metadata to add nested embedded classes metadata from.
* @param ClassMetadata $parentClass Parent class to add nested embedded classes metadata to.
* @param string $prefix Embedded classes' prefix to use for nested embedded classes field names.
private function addNestedEmbeddedClasses(
ClassMetadata $subClass,
ClassMetadata $parentClass,
string $prefix
): void {
foreach ($subClass->embeddedClasses as $property => $embeddableClass) {
if (isset($embeddableClass['inherited'])) {
$embeddableMetadata = $this->getMetadataFor($embeddableClass['class']);
'fieldName' => $prefix . '.' . $property,
'class' => $embeddableMetadata->name,
'columnPrefix' => $embeddableClass['columnPrefix'],
'declaredField' => $embeddableClass['declaredField']
? $prefix . '.' . $embeddableClass['declaredField']
: $prefix,
'originalField' => $embeddableClass['originalField'] ?: $property,
* Copy the table indices from the parent class superclass to the child class
private function addInheritedIndexes(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
if (! $parentClass->isMappedSuperclass) {
foreach (['uniqueConstraints', 'indexes'] as $indexType) {
if (isset($parentClass->table[$indexType])) {
foreach ($parentClass->table[$indexType] as $indexName => $index) {
if (isset($subClass->table[$indexType][$indexName])) {
continue; // Let the inheriting table override indices
$subClass->table[$indexType][$indexName] = $index;
* Adds inherited named queries to the subclass mapping.
private function addInheritedNamedQueries(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->namedQueries as $name => $query) {
if (! isset($subClass->namedQueries[$name])) {
// @phpstan-ignore method.deprecated
'name' => $query['name'],
'query' => $query['query'],
* Adds inherited named native queries to the subclass mapping.
private function addInheritedNamedNativeQueries(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->namedNativeQueries as $name => $query) {
if (! isset($subClass->namedNativeQueries[$name])) {
// @phpstan-ignore method.deprecated
'name' => $query['name'],
'query' => $query['query'],
'isSelfClass' => $query['isSelfClass'],
'resultSetMapping' => $query['resultSetMapping'],
'resultClass' => $query['isSelfClass'] ? $subClass->name : $query['resultClass'],
* Adds inherited sql result set mappings to the subclass mapping.
private function addInheritedSqlResultSetMappings(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass): void
foreach ($parentClass->sqlResultSetMappings as $name => $mapping) {
if (! isset($subClass->sqlResultSetMappings[$name])) {
$entities = [];
foreach ($mapping['entities'] as $entity) {
$entities[] = [
'fields' => $entity['fields'],
'isSelfClass' => $entity['isSelfClass'],
'discriminatorColumn' => $entity['discriminatorColumn'],
'entityClass' => $entity['isSelfClass'] ? $subClass->name : $entity['entityClass'],
'name' => $mapping['name'],
'columns' => $mapping['columns'],
'entities' => $entities,
* Completes the ID generator mapping. If "auto" is specified we choose the generator
* most appropriate for the targeted database platform.
* @throws ORMException
private function completeIdGeneratorMapping(ClassMetadataInfo $class): void
$idGenType = $class->generatorType;
if ($idGenType === ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO) {
// Create & assign an appropriate ID generator instance
switch ($class->generatorType) {
$sequenceName = null;
$fieldName = $class->identifier ? $class->getSingleIdentifierFieldName() : null;
$platform = $this->getTargetPlatform();
// Platforms that do not have native IDENTITY support need a sequence to emulate this behaviour.
// @phpstan-ignore method.deprecated
if (! $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform && ! $platform instanceof SqlitePlatform && ! $platform instanceof SQLServerPlatform && $platform->usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns()) {
Context: Loading metadata for class %s
Problem: Using identity columns emulated with a sequence is deprecated and will not be possible in Doctrine ORM 3.0.
Solution: Use the SEQUENCE generator strategy instead.
$columnName = $class->getSingleIdentifierColumnName();
$quoted = isset($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['quoted']) || isset($class->table['quoted']);
$sequencePrefix = $class->getSequencePrefix($this->getTargetPlatform());
// @phpstan-ignore method.deprecated
$sequenceName = $this->getTargetPlatform()->getIdentitySequenceName($sequencePrefix, $columnName);
$definition = [
'sequenceName' => $this->truncateSequenceName($sequenceName),
if ($quoted) {
$definition['quoted'] = true;
$sequenceName = $this
->getSequenceName($definition, $class, $this->getTargetPlatform());
$generator = $fieldName && $class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['type'] === 'bigint'
? new BigIntegerIdentityGenerator($sequenceName)
: new IdentityGenerator($sequenceName);
// If there is no sequence definition yet, create a default definition
$definition = $class->sequenceGeneratorDefinition;
if (! $definition) {
$fieldName = $class->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
$sequenceName = $class->getSequenceName($this->getTargetPlatform());
$quoted = isset($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['quoted']) || isset($class->table['quoted']);
$definition = [
'sequenceName' => $this->truncateSequenceName($sequenceName),
'allocationSize' => 1,
'initialValue' => 1,
if ($quoted) {
$definition['quoted'] = true;
$sequenceGenerator = new SequenceGenerator(
$this->em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy()->getSequenceName($definition, $class, $this->getTargetPlatform()),
(int) $definition['allocationSize']
case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE:
$class->setIdGenerator(new AssignedGenerator());
// @phpstan-ignore classConstant.deprecated
case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_UUID:
'Mapping for %s: the "UUID" id generator strategy is deprecated with no replacement',
// @phpstan-ignore new.deprecated
$class->setIdGenerator(new UuidGenerator());
case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_CUSTOM:
$definition = $class->customGeneratorDefinition;
if ($definition === null) {
throw InvalidCustomGenerator::onClassNotConfigured();
if (! class_exists($definition['class'])) {
throw InvalidCustomGenerator::onMissingClass($definition);
$class->setIdGenerator(new $definition['class']());
throw UnknownGeneratorType::create($class->generatorType);
/** @phpstan-return ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_* */
private function determineIdGeneratorStrategy(AbstractPlatform $platform): int
assert($this->em !== null);
foreach ($this->em->getConfiguration()->getIdentityGenerationPreferences() as $platformFamily => $strategy) {
if (is_a($platform, $platformFamily)) {
return $strategy;
foreach (self::NON_IDENTITY_DEFAULT_STRATEGY as $platformFamily => $strategy) {
if (is_a($platform, $platformFamily)) {
if ($platform instanceof Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform || is_a($platform, 'Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform')) {
Relying on non-optimal defaults for ID generation is deprecated, and IDENTITY
results in SERIAL, which is not recommended.
Instead, configure identifier generation strategies explicitly through
We currently recommend "SEQUENCE" for "%s", so you should use
"%s" => ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE,
return $strategy;
if ($platform->supportsIdentityColumns()) {
return ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY;
if ($platform->supportsSequences()) {
return ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE;
throw CannotGenerateIds::withPlatform($platform);
private function truncateSequenceName(string $schemaElementName): string
$platform = $this->getTargetPlatform();
if (! $platform instanceof Platforms\OraclePlatform && ! $platform instanceof Platforms\SQLAnywherePlatform) {
return $schemaElementName;
$maxIdentifierLength = $platform->getMaxIdentifierLength();
if (strlen($schemaElementName) > $maxIdentifierLength) {
return substr($schemaElementName, 0, $maxIdentifierLength);
return $schemaElementName;
* Inherits the ID generator mapping from a parent class.
private function inheritIdGeneratorMapping(ClassMetadataInfo $class, ClassMetadataInfo $parent): void
if ($parent->isIdGeneratorSequence()) {
if ($parent->generatorType) {
if ($parent->idGenerator) {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function wakeupReflection(ClassMetadataInterface $class, ReflectionService $reflService)
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function initializeReflection(ClassMetadataInterface $class, ReflectionService $reflService)
* @deprecated This method will be removed in ORM 3.0.
* @return class-string
protected function getFqcnFromAlias($namespaceAlias, $simpleClassName)
/** @var class-string $classString */
$classString = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getEntityNamespace($namespaceAlias) . '\\' . $simpleClassName;
return $classString;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function getDriver()
return $this->driver;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function isEntity(ClassMetadataInterface $class)
return ! $class->isMappedSuperclass;
private function getTargetPlatform(): Platforms\AbstractPlatform
if (! $this->targetPlatform) {
$this->targetPlatform = $this->em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
return $this->targetPlatform;